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Data Recovery Advice & Estimate

If you require an estimate for the recovery of the data on your failed device then please fill in the form below or give us a phone on 01224 622312.  Please be as accurate as possible as this will aid in the accuracy of what we can tell you.

You can view our Data Recovery Pricing Guide for what most recoveries cost.   Our recovery prices are usually between £99 and £379 but do depend on the particular drive/device and fault. 

If you are looking for answers to common questions then  you might find the answer on our FAQs page.

Telephone Number
How Would You Like To Be Contacted
Type Of Device
Make & Model
How Would We Receive The Device
Describe Your Problem
During normal working hours you should receive a reply within a few hours.  We will be our best effort to reply to out of hours enquiries but please allow us to the start of the next business day to reply. If you would prefer to speak to someone on the phone or in person then please feel free to call 01224 622312 or visit us at our office.  Our office is staffed during our opening hours and we will be happy to answer any questions you may have.